Benefits of our provocation in China searching for Pandas

Learning and discovery for ALL children as they develop their social and emotional skills, enhance language and vocabulary, and develop fundamental movement skills through creative role-play to music.  Knowledge of the world around them and different cultures and countries.


A super simple guide on how to set the scene for your little one’s experience, and safety, in Space.   Ranging from what to wear to how to read a map.  What to wear in the ice and snow on Mount Everest – the Littlemagictrain got lost! We problem-solve together to find our way back on track.  Land on the Great Wall of China. Avoid the sleepy Dragons and hungry Tigers!  Together you will meet a Pangolin and help him catch ants (with chopsticks) for a snack.  Success you find the Pandas and join them as they play in the Bamboo Forest.  After such a long journey we all deserve a well-deserved snooze with the cute and cuddly Pandas.

The interactive story, illustrations (to carry the story forward), movement guide, music, speech and language activities (including a story chain train), STEM, and sensory experiences.

And… a certificate, created for us by our SALT, to help develop narrative skills to share with their families at home.